Monday, March 18, 2013

The Structural Assignment Critical Review

By Mufit Senel
Source: http//

Enhancing Reading Course in ESL/ EFL Classes through Cooperative Learning is an article about the effectiveness of learning strategy for language classroom that was written by Mufit Senel.
In this article, Senel would tell the reader how the cooperative learning could enhance students’ reading ability in the class.
First of all, we should know the definition of cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a relationship in a group of students that requires positive interdependence, individual accountability, interpersonal skills, trust, face- to- face promotive interaction, and processing (Roger T. Johnson and David W).
Positive interdependence can be defined where each group member’s efforts are required and indispensable for group success. Each group member has a unique contribution to make to the joint effort because of his or her resources and/ or role and task responsibilities. Individual or group accountability, where keeping the size of the group small. The smaller the size of the group, the greater the individual accountability may be giving an individual test to each student. In interpersonal skills, social skills must be taught: leadership decision, making trust, building communication, and conflict- management skills.
Face- to- face interaction can be done orally explaining how o solve problems teaching one’s knowledge to other and checking for understanding.
In line with this definition, cooperative learning can promote the student learning and academic achievement increase student retention, enhance student satisfaction with their learning experience and can help them develop skills in oral communication, develop students’ social skills, and help to promote positive race relation (Kagan, 2001)
According to Senel’s writing, cooperative learning is an effective learning strategy because it could make student active in learning activity. Student will give their participation in learning activity such as in discussion class. They can compare and share their opinion directly.
As its strategy’s name, the cooperative learning class will make some group of students to do the assignment that will be given by the teacher. Of course, making some group in a class will make noisy. They are demanded to have great ability to manage the class in order to minimize the chaos that will happen.

The most important thing during using this strategy is the teachers should keep in their mind that in the cooperative learning classes only extrovert and highly motivated students to contribute in classroom tasks. Moreover, the teachers that will practice this strategy should know the characteristic of their students as specific as possible. Because, in dividing task groups, unconsciously the differences of personality in each student will happen. In line with Senel in this article, the teachers should be able to explain to their students that have different intellectual abilities, they are not expected to have all abilities and each group number has similarity of the abilities. Let us see for the group that was advised by Senel. One question that should we consider in this group. How we consider the way to manage the class where the class is over than ten students?
In this article, Senel just told the class that was she divided into two groups. Where, each group consists of four students. Of course, managing the students in Senel’s class easier than the class that over than Senel’s. Properly, Senel also consider the possibility that could happen if the total of the whole class more than ten students. In order to make easy in practicing strategy in the class.
            During enhancing reading courses class, Senel gave the students two text that was taken from two cities shared a similar city plan. Furthermore, these reading texts will be easy to analyze and understand, while practicing this strategy; Senel simplified some parts of the texts in order to be appropriate for the intermediate level and compiled the texts under three headlines.
·         General information about the city
·         Brief history of the city
·         Present day information of the city

Completing practicing this strategy, there are some steps should be done. First, before starting the lesson, Senel made some copies of the reading texts to be given to the students in the class. Senel told the students that they will make their reading course enjoyable.
I think, Senel should not tell the students that they would make an interesting reading. It is not enough for stimulate the students to fell that the subject is interesting. Teachers may using the games or others fun activities to stimulate the students’ interesting in studying.
In line with this argument,
            Second, the teacher gives an opportunity to the students to discuss the texts, based on their understanding.
Discussion in cooperative learning constitutes one of its elements. This statement was according to David and Johnson in the definition of cooperative learning.  
Third, Senel serve the board to show the students’ result activities. On the board was written by Senel the number of the questions from 1 to 10. Every correct answer of the groups will be tick by the teacher.

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